
Stop worrying about downtimes

Find peace of mind knowing that your websites and APIs are up and running.

Don’t leave your websites unattended.

No hidden fees, no feature bloat, no dark patterns, no shenanigans, no snake oil.

Uptime monitoring

Stop losing money, trust, and sanity by monitoring your websites and APIs every minute. But when things go haywire, and they will go haywire, be the first to learn about it.

Hosted status pages

Showcase your websites’ real-time availability and publish status updates on your status page. Your customers will certainly appreciate the transparency.

Versatile alerting

Multiple recipients? Check. Notifications delivered via email, SMS, and Slack? Check. Configurable delay for the first notification? Check. Follow up notifications? Check. Per-website and global controls? Check. False positives? No!

Resolve downtimes faster

During the downtime, instead of receiving generic “your website is down” message, you will have a reason for what might be causing the downtime, how to troubleshoot it, and all the necessary debug information. Incredibly useful if you’re on-call.

Certificate monitoring

When calendar reminders and hacky shell scripts won’t cut it anymore. No more expired SSL/TLS certificates.

Team accounts

Bring over your team members by emailing them a link. You know that sharing credentials over pastebin is a Bad Thing, right? Right?!

Hands-on support

Instead of receiving canned, robotic responses to your support questions, get helpful, timely responses from the founder. Be sure that your emails won’t end up in /dev/null.

Wide range of protocols

Are your servers running on the bleeding edge? From TLS 1.3 to HTTP/2 to IPv6, you have got yourself covered. Using legacy software with ancient protocols? You are covered as well.